Welcome to our July newsletter.
Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that recently helped out with clearing the grass clippings from the overgrown former pitches. This is very much appreciated and will help with the clubs continual growth.
Just One Hour (or More if Possible) of Your Time

During the week we had a further 20 tonnes of top dressing delivered and a handful of volunteers to help put it down. Anyone that has anytime available this Sunday between 9.30am and 1.30pm, please let me know (gary@motspurparkfc.com or 07890521034) as it now vital that we water the pitches. As proved with the grass clearance, many hands make light work. Read more and see pictures of our progress here:
Sponsorship plays a big part in helping keep MPFC’s annual costs down. However, over the last 12 months the club made a financial loss partly due to the lack of sponsorship. We therefore need your help in finding sponsors! If you own your own business why not sponsor a team? Or if you work for a company do ask your employer. We also now have a sponsorship pack that can be shared with businesses to inform them of the benefits of sponsoring.

With local businesses starting to reopen, please enquire if
they would be open to sponsoring one of our teams. Help us
to find a sponsor which in turn it helps keep registration fees
down. Further details can be obtained from jacqueline.burford ‘AT’ motspurparkyouthfc.com and the brochure found on the sponsorship page of our website.
Training is Back!
Some of our teams have now started to train following appropriate guidelines to ensure the safety of all those envolved. Prior to any player wishing to take part, their parent must sign a waiver. Hopefully over the coming weeks all our teams will start to get back to some sense of normality but government guidelines must be observed at all times. Your safety is our priority.
Volunteers Needed!

In search for 3 passionate
- Equipment Officer
- Assistant Welfare Officer
- Website Administrator
Stay safe and I hope to see you all soon.
All the best,
Gary Hammocks
Club Secretary