Welcome to our May newsletter.
Hi everyone, firstly I hope you and your family all keeping safe and well.
2020/21 Season Trials
Under normal circumstances we would now be coming to the end of the season and thinking about trials. You should all be aware that the original trial dates in May are no longer taking place.
Register for trials and share the link with football fanatics:
You can pre-register for trials at
https://trials.motspurparkyouthfc.com/, and as soon
as government guidelines permit we will notify you of the new

NEW! Recruiting a ladies adult team.

We are now looking to start a ladies adult team, any ladies (sisters, mums, friends) fancy giving it a go, please sign up for trials. https://trials.motspurparkyouthfc.com
Hurray! A Pitch Makeover
Despite the current lockdown situation, we
have been extremely busy behind the
scenes. Our pitches have undergone a long
overdue makeover which hopefully will
help with some of the drainage issues.
We are currently in the process of getting a
pitch analysis done after the lockdown.
This enables us to apply for funding to get
major works done. ?

A New Custom Kit Design!
Those that follow us on social media would have seen our new kit supplier (core 37), and our new design kit which we will start to roll out for the start of this coming season whenever that will be.
Sponsors Needed!
We still require NEW sponsors for numerous teams next season. Sponsors have a big influence on our finances, so it is vital we have as many as possible. If you have any sponsorship ideas please contact jacqueline.burford ‘AT’ motspurparkyouthfc.com

Volunteers Needed!

In search for 3 passionate
- Equipment Officer
- Assistant Welfare Officer
- Website Administrator
Contact Gary for more information.

Finally, if anyone has any videos from the toilet roll challenge they wish to submit, please send them in by Sunday 10th of May. The winner will be announced in next months Newsletter!
Bored Being Stuck at Home? Join in with our Stay at Home Challenge! If you enter our competition you will be in with the chance of winning a Bazooka Goal (https://www.bazookagoal.com/) and Nike Football worth over £120! The winner will be the most creative footballing video involving a toilet roll! So we don’t care what you do whether it be kick-ups, a scoring challenge like Gary, or maybe a few goalkeeper saves – just get creative!
Follow Us on Social Media
Stay safe and I hope to see you all soon.
All the best,
Gary Hammocks
Club Secretary