Charter Standard Award


Motspur Park FC have beaten a National Record! The fastest time a new club has taken to gain the FA Charter Standard Kite-mark! (We believe)

We would like to thank to all of our coaches and their effort to meet all requirements set by the committee, the committee members and all of the ground work they have put in as well as the discipline shown from both our spectators and parents.

The administrative work and coaching quality seen by the FA and the Surrey Youth League has been determined as some of the best in the county along with other factors such as administration and discipline has resulted in us receiving this award.

But what does this mean for you as a player and/or parent?

It means you can be assured all coaches are of high standard and that specific safety checks have been put in place as well as the fact we have an incredible administrative team. In terms of financial benefits it means we can apply for additional funding and we will be given complementary Nike footballs every season. Finally, We will also be able to attract better coaches and players to join and create future teams.

What next?

We will be attempting to achieve Development Club status. We are in the process of appointing a Development officer from within and along with our Charter Standard Coordinator hope to start implementing all of the requirements for this additional stage. We are aiming to achieve this award before the end of the 2015/16 season.


For more information on the award please visit